Some dog breeds are known to love the water or are specifically bred for swimming. You may discover that with the right lifejacket, you have a Maltese who can’t wait to get in the water. It’s a very, very common problem, and, at the end of the day, it is what the German shepherd has been bred to do a lot of the time. Welcome to German Shepherd Dog HQ!  This site is your resource to all things about German Shepherds based on my personal experience owning my first Shepherd and what I've learned over 8 years. You can then assume that the. From dog sports like rally, agility, or scent work to therapy work to guide dog work, German Shepherds can do it all. I expect some German Shepherds like water and others don't. German shepherds may be trainable, but you still must have patience in order to properly train your dog. … They may sometimes act silly and goofy, but all dogs are actually incredibly smart. Excessive drooling in German Shepherds should always be investigated because something dangerous could be happening, but there can be drooling that is normal for German Shepherds depending on the circumstance. The answer may surprise you. I once set it up on the fence blasting water out, and she probably would have played with it until the sun went down. They are naturally athletic dogs. At first, she hesitated, probably wondering what the heck this big pool was.  Then once I started going toward the water and showed her it was safe, she got right in.  After being in once, she was eager to jump in and out on her own without hesitation. Like all general statements about breeds, there are exceptions to the rule. Jumping straight into the deep in, if your dog doesn’t understand that water is safe can cause them to think there is a danger to you.  Easing in will help your dog see that you are safe and the water is safe. The answer is, some do, some don’t! I hope this article gave you some insight into the question… do German Shepherds like water? As a breed, German Shepherds were bred to like a range of activities from herding, tracking, protection and guarding work, aiding and helping, military work and much more! A prime example of natural swimmers is Labrador and Golden Retriever, which leads us to the next question.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'allshepherd_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])); There are some German shepherds that are natural swimmers, but these dogs are mixed breeds. Not all German Shepherds like to swim. Most German Shepherds enjoy water but how much they like it varies from GSD to GSD — just like with humans! While some may view this as an insignificant fact, there are actually sophisticated reasons behind their reaction to water.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'allshepherd_com-box-4','ezslot_9',106,'0','0'])); There are many connections between German shepherds and loving or hating water. Give your German shepherd treats after accomplishing your goals. German Shepard Body Language. However, most German Shepherds like water and can learn to swim quickly. The double water-resistant coat is a great advantage that helps answer the question “Can German Shepherds swim?” Do German Shepherds Have Webbed Feet? But keep in mind that you need to do it several times. … Before answering the question “Do German shepherds like to swim?”, let’s first talk about a much simpler question still related to the topic.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'allshepherd_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_15',105,'0','0'])); You may be thinking “German shepherds don’t hate water because it’s usual with dogs”. German Shepherds are known for their loyalty, protectiveness, and overall high intelligence. 1 decade ago. Once acclimated, they can tolerate and do well in both hot and cold climates. Much like with running, your German Shepherd should be physically mature and of sound orthopedics and health prior to becoming a bike ride companion. Because German Shepherds weren’t specifically bred for water-based activities, whether or not they are into water depends on their experiences rather than purely on their instincts. After the kiddie pool experience, I took her to a local regular pool specifically for dogs. Since German shepherds usually swallow a bit of water when they swim, it’s recommended to only let them roam in freshwater. Still, they can’t achieve the level of swimming that natural swimmers have. 1 0. Whether a german shepherd likes water or not really depends on the individual. So, if you’re going to train your German shepherd, you’ll have to keep in mind a couple of things.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'allshepherd_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',111,'0','0'])); But first, make sure that your German shepherd can swim without fear of the water. Your neighbors are complaining so…, For every pet owner, there must have been a point when they wondered what the truth is behind…, German Shepherds have always been synonymous to police and military dogs. You may find your dog only needs a lesson or two before being comfortable swimming. Our team is made up of dog lovers who give up their time to find loving forever homes for our dogs. If not, they are more at risk of dehydration and other sicknesses that shorten their lifespan. This includes leg length, coat, and more. The team has fostered and saved over one thousand German Shepherd Dogs! With this knowledge, you are now capable of taking proper care of German shepherds, at least when it comes to swimming. German Shepherds do well in hot weather as long as they have the standard stock coat, have access to shade and cold water and are appropriately acclimated to the weather. What you might not realize is that German shepherds are like potato chips. Particularly, a courageous or adventurous dog may want to explore what water is. Firstly, you must settle on still water for your dog’s training ground. Most other times she drinks from a normal standing position. They easily pick up any activity or trick with the right … She got in behind me and then didn’t want to get out.  Now, she loves the water! My German Shepherd will sometimes lay down to drink from her bowl of water. They enjoy playing in and around water and once confident in the water they also enjoy swimming. However, in general, German shepherds can swim. That’s why we talked about the previous topic first. They must be actively kicking and moving. Do German Shepherds have webbed feet? You can also get some water dog toys and use those to play games in and around the pool. Of course, every German Shepherd is different, but overall, German Shepherds can like water either naturally, or with the proper exposure.Â. Yes. German Shepherd Dogs, don't have the instinct as these other breeds, but they can still be taught to love the water. 11. For example, if you’ve been asking yourself if German shepherds have webbed feet, the answer is no. Your email address will not be published. Most German shepherds enjoy the water, but some GSDs don’t like it. Their body composition makes them physically capable of swimming, so a dog who is introduced to water at an early age will be able to swim and will probably enjoy it. Of course, there are variations in shedding even among the same breed, but the general rule is – yes, German shepherds are heavy shedders. This is a relatively cheap idea that can give hours and hours of fun. Adopting a German shepherd might seem like a harmless decision. This is what happened with my German Shepherd. Our team is made up of dog lovers who give up their time to find loving forever homes for our dogs. Swim lessons or going to a dog pool can help your dog become more confident swimming as well as give your dog exercise. You can find information on training, health, puppies, and products that will help make owning your GSD easier. The Bottom Line. SWIMMING Swimming is an excellent form of low impact exercise for any water loving German Shepherd dog. Seek and Offer Protection Consider getting in the water as well so you can monitor the movements of your German shepherd’s limbs. There are three aspects of this feeding chart, namely the German shepherd feeding amount, feeding frequency, and mealtime lengths.. Weather/Climate – Yep, dogs need to drink more water during hot days compared to cooler days. Some hate water, some love it. Dogs are great, especially german shepherds! When the weather is warm, consider getting a kiddie pool and start exposing your GSD to water, I think you’ll find they will have a blast. Heavier water consumption is normal for a large active breed like German Shepherds but there are also other factors that can cause your dog … German Shepherds are problem solvers. Playing games that incorporate the water, will help give your dog some exposure to water, without thinking about it. You may hear some saying that German shepherd DO like to swim because they love water, but you’ll also hear some saying the exact opposite. Yes, there are swimming lessons for dogs. So, I decided to get in the pool and kind of coax her in by showing her what to do. However, Labrador and Golden Retriever have such traits. Let the German shepherd’s toes should touch the water. There isn’t a specific answer to this question. Just make sure that your German shepherd likes to swim, otherwise, you’ll be forcing him to do so.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'allshepherd_com-leader-3','ezslot_13',113,'0','0'])); The products featured on this page were last updated on 2021-01-10 /. My previous shepherd, Fina, LOVED the hose. Many German Shepherd owners have noticed that their dogs love the water and swim exceptionally well, making it easy to assume that part of what makes them strong swimmers would be webbed paws. They need ample exercise daily; otherwise, they can get into mischief or become high-strung. Unlike other breeds, they weren’t made for swimming. She usually does this after a long walk, especially in the summer months when she is warm, and so I guess she does this due to tiredness. They certainly have the capability to like water and become strong swimmers, but weren’t bred specifically for swimming. In most cases, once they go in to the water and their paws don’t reach the bottom, they will naturally start to doggy paddle. (They have this in common with dogs like boxers and bulldogs.) Plus, if you have kids, this will be fun for the whole family. In the case of the GSD, the breed-specific function is herding and guarding. Take into consideration the ocean waves and current as well, since they may make swimming harder.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'allshepherd_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_11',108,'0','0'])); So even if your German shepherd likes water, remember to take precautions. Either way, there’s no denying that there are many questions about the connection between German shepherds and swimming. In 1974, … You will also need to be prepared to take lots of walks, as the white German Shepherd has the same high activity needs as other purebred dog breeds born and bred to … With that, you can now help your dog in his way to learning how to swim. There are also those that don’t particularly like or hate water. If I take the official line from the American Kennel Club, German Shepherds do not have webbed feet. Do German Shepherds Like Water? Since German Shepherds weren’t bred for swimming sometimes, they won’t just jump right into a pool without having ever been exposed to one.  However, if you take the time to introduce your dog to the water in a safe non-threatening manner, most German Shepherds will take to swimming naturally. That way, you can be assured that you won’t be harming your German shepherd by exposing them to water. Copyright © 2020 , AllShepherd.Com - All Right Reserved. Check out my article on puncture-proof dog pools to get some ideas. If it’s too sticky or … Because German shepherds weren’t explicitly bred for water-based activities, how much they like water will depend on their previous experiences, especially when growing up as a puppy. Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue is a 100% volunteer organization funded by donations from people just like you. Whether you live on the water or spend weekends dipping your toes in local streams, this athletic breed may be quick to join you for a dip. Why Do German Shepherds Lay on Your Feet? A good way is to use things … My German Shepherd loves the water, but it didn’t come as naturally for her.  My girl is a very confident working line German Shepherd.  I thought it would be fun to purchase a kiddie pool for us to play in during the summer. When the weather is warm, consider getting a kiddie pool and start exposing your GSD to water, I think you’ll find they will have a blast. They don’t have the proper genetics. A German shepherd that had a traumatic experience involving water may hate, or more precisely, fear water. But as German Shepherd Dog (GSD) owners know well, each dog has a personality all their own. What you might not realize is that German shepherds are like potato chips. If it is wet, then your German Shepherd is hydrated. There are only a few steps in teaching your German shepherd to swim. The team has fostered and saved over one thousand German Shepherd Dogs! Understanding the body language of German Shepherds and how your dog communicates will help with both bonding and training. In fact, he’s happiest with a job to do. With other dogs around, you dog may even dip their paws in the beach water. Whether a German Shepherd will naturally take to swimming, and whether they like water (outside of drinking it), really depends on it’s experience and exposure to water growing as a puppy, and it’s individual personality of whether it is a water lover or not. The German Shepherd is an adaptable breed. Plus, your many questions about German shepherd and swimming are now answered. This can go into three ways: Of course, the personality of the German shepherd also matters. | Tractive If I take the official line from the American Kennel Club, German Shepherds do not have webbed feet. Some dogs have had a negative experience in or around water, and thus they have retained that experience and have learned to fear water.  Other dogs may just be unconfident or unsure of what to do or if the water is safe. If your dog is around a bunch of other dogs that are comfortable with the water, jumping in and out and swimming they may be more likely to join in the fun. And this really applies to all breeds of dogs. Despite how great it is to learn that German shepherds like to swim, you should remember to limit your adventurousness.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'allshepherd_com-banner-1','ezslot_6',107,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'allshepherd_com-banner-1','ezslot_7',107,'0','1'])); There are different types of water, including saltwater and freshwater. Some German Shepherd Dogs like water, others will be cautious of it. Because German Shepherds weren’t specifically bred for water-based activities, whether or not they are into water depends on their … On average, the German Shepherd will require an ounce of water per pound of their body weight every day, which is about 0.3 liters per pound. Another way to know if your German Shepherd is consuming enough water is by checking his or her gums. We all know how trainable German shepherds can be. 1. It is important, however, in any climate, to provide a German Shepherd with the appropriate amount of shade, shelter, and water. She loved getting blasted with water, but, she didn’t swim. Don’t worry, though. Bay Area German Shepherd Rescue is a 100% volunteer organization funded by donations from people just like you. Whether your German Shepherd needs 40 to 80 ounces of water – or somewhere in between — depends on different factors such as the following:. However, the same goes for loving water. While the body language of dogs is a large topic, there are several quick tips you can learn very quickly. Of course, every German Shepherd is different, but overall, German Shepherds can like water either naturally, or with the proper exposure. However, they are not natural swimmers. If that happens, you may proceed with exposing your dog to moving waters. It does depend on the individual German Shepherd, but generally, yes most German Shepherds like water. To do this, open your German Shepherd’s mouth and run your finger over his or her gum. However, most GSD parents will…, Your email address will not be published. Yes. Of course, anything can be a little scary at first if you are a young puppy and you’ve never seen water before. The good news…this behavior can be untrained. Most German Shepherds enjoy water but how much they like it varies from GSD to GSD — just like with humans! She is fine getting her feet wet up to her elbows. The origins of the Shiloh Shepherd are quite recent. For example, if your dog likes to fetch.  Tossing a toy in and around a kiddie pool may let them focus more on chasing the toy and less on the fact there is water around.Â. Let me know in the comments! Just like being around peers works for children, it also works for dogs. This means that if you choose to make a purchase, your price remains the same and We will receive a small commission. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates Thanks for your support! And in the wild, each member of the pack understands their duty to work for food and water. It doesn’t mean they can’t swim, but they’re likely to be fearful about it. Plus forcing your dog into the water before they are ready could create fear of the water, and they may never want to get in if they become too scared. Does your German Shepherd like water? German Shepherds are natural protectors, which is why they’re often used as guard dogs and in law enforcement. If your dog isn’t eager to jump into water, don’t push it. The teachers know how to gradually get your dog comfortable with the water and they also have doggie life jackets for added security.Â. It’s a very, very common problem, and, at the end of the day, it is what the German shepherd has been bred to do a lot of the time. The only thing holding your dog back is … German Shepherds like most dogs can and will drool from time to time and there are many reasons for this. German Shepherd Dog HQ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to German Shepherds also make excellent sniffer dogs and excel in search and rescue. In general, do German Shepherds like water? How the Majestic Giant Came to Be. Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. I don’t think that liking the water comes naturally for all German Shepherds, but I think some of that is just apprehension about what to do in a new situation.  Once they are shown how to play with water, most German Shepherds will love the water. Do German Shepherds like Water? That’s why it’s important to know these problems in advance. So, you may wonder, do German Shepherds like water? You can then assume that the German shepherd can swim if they intend to. Our complete overview of German Shepherd body language is below: Natural Abilities and Inclinations. To get your German Shepherd to like water you can try to ease it into it. Before you know it, they’ll be jumping in and out with a good amount of water in the pool. Many German Shepherds love water. German Shepherd Feeding Chart. It is important to find out the appropriate feeding amount, frequency, and length for your German shepherd without leaving out one of them.That way, you can accurately find out the best way to feed your dog. I wouldn’t say ALL German Shepherds take naturally to water. All dogs are different. Nevertheless, are…, If you are thinking of getting a German Shepherd you may have wondered do German Shepherds…, German Shepherds are mostly known for their intelligence, courage, and agility. German shepherd dogs are active and like to have something to do. The dog sheds heavily about twice yearly, and the rest of the time sheds a lesser amount continually. Regardless, you might be having many questions in your mind. A German shepherd who used to bathe with you or even exposed itself to water in its own volition may come to love them as they grow. When doing this, first don’t have any water in the pool, then gradually put in small amounts of water a little at a time. Particularly, a courageous or adventurous dog may want to explore what water is. Do German Shepherds Like Water and Swimming? In short, it all comes down to genetics. A German shepherd without any knowledge of water will neither love it or hate it. All you have to do is heed our warnings and follow our tips, then you can take your German shepherd to your next vacation to the beach. Do German Shepherds like water? As it turns out, Dutch Shepherds love the water when they are properly introduced to it. Then, slowly submerge your dog in the water. Of course, the personality of the German shepherd also matters. Are some German Shepherds afraid of water. Maybe there was a past event in a german shepherds life that has made them hate water. Disclosure: Some of the links are affiliate links. So to understand if it’s true that a German shepherd can swim, let’s answer those questions one by one.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'allshepherd_com-leader-1','ezslot_0',109,'0','0'])); German shepherds can swim because they’re athletic and strong swimmers. Like most dogs can and will drool from time to find loving forever homes for our dogs were bred with. Also enjoy swimming Thanks for your dog communicates will help with both bonding and training Bay German. Have webbed feet food and water impact exercise for any water loving German by. Achieve the level of swimming that natural swimmers have loving or hater water determines! Do it several times generally, yes, many German Shepherds do not have webbed feet, the shepherd... Have doggie life jackets for added security. today, we ’ ll get a natural swimmer German also! To find loving forever homes for our dogs this is also the type of pool also. Be fearful about it at risk of dehydration and other sicknesses that their... 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