(p. The experience of the post-war years has demonstrated that Soviet defectors (1) almost never defect solely or primarily because of inducement by a Western service, (2) usually leave the USSR for personal rather than ideological reasons, and (3) are often RIS agents. (These are discussed in Part VIII.) The interrogator should remember that he and the interrogatee are often working at cross-purposes not because the interrogates is malevolently withholding or misleading but simply because what he wants front the situation is not what the interrogator wants. Another effect frequently produced by non-coercive (as well as coercive) methods is the evocation within the interrogatee of feelings of guilt. Drs. He now begins to probe these areas. For centuries interrogators have employed various methods of inducing physical weakness: prolonged constraint; prolonged exertion; extremes of heat, cold, or moisture; and deprivation or drastic reduction of food or sleep. An overstuffed chair for the use of the interrogatee is sometimes preferable to a straight-backed, wooden chair because if he is made to stand for a lengthy period or is otherwise deprived of physical comfort, the contrast is intensified and increased disorientation results. Although extremely dependent and passive, he constantly demands that others take care of him and gratify his wishes. Basically, all schemes for labelling people are wrong per se; applied arbitrarily, they always produce distortions. It is usually unproductive to cast both interrogators in hostile roles. (p. His loyalties are likely to shift whenever he feels that the sponsor whom he has chosen has let him down. He frequently projects his guilt feelings and feels that all of his failures were someone else's fault. The threat of debility - for example, a brief deprivation of food - may induce much more anxiety than prolonged hunger, which will result after a while in apathy and, perhaps, eventual delusions or hallucinations. The confession contains the salient facts, but they are distorted; the confession shows that A is attempting to throw the entire responsibility upon B. Edited tape recordings which sound as though A had denounced B may also be used for the purpose, separately or in conjunction with the written "confession." (It is helpful if B can recognize A's signature, but not essential.) If it is then established or strongly suspected that the agent belongs to one of the following categories, further investigation and, eventually, interrogation usually follow. Whenever a number of interrogators is available, the percentage of successes is increased by careful matching of questioners and sources and by ensuring that rigid prescheduling does not prevent such matching. The witness claims that the interrogatee is only incidentally a courier, that actually he is the head of an RIS kidnapping gang. The definitions, legal considerations, and discussions of interrogators and sources, kubakr well as Section VI on screening and other preliminaries, are relevant to all kinds of interrogations. At any rate, the purpose of the reconnaissance is to provide a quick testing of the assumption and, more importantly, to probe the causes, extent, and intensity of resistance. It is true that American psychologists have devoted somewhat more attention to Communist interrogation techniques, particularly "brainwashing", than to U. S. practices. 2/3 line deleted], or will questioning be completed elsewhere? He postulates "... that only in rare interrogation subjects would a sufficiently deep trance be obtainable to even attempt to induce the subject to discuss material which he is unwilling to discuss in the waking state. Their function is to cause capitulation, to aid in the shift from resistance to cooperation. Making a person feel more and more guilty normally increases both his anxiety and his urge to cooperate as a means of escape. Although the polygraph has been a valuable aid, no interrogator should feel that it can carry his responsibility for him. B. His desire to impress will usually be quickly evident. If they are interrogated, the reason is that they are known or believed to fall into one of the following categories. It provides a useful insight into the interaction between interrogator and interrogatee. 23, above. At the same time it is necessary to make every effort to keep the subject from learning through the interrogation process precisely where our informational gaps lie. If he seeks to induce cooperation by an appeal to logic, he should first determine whether the source's resistance is based on logic. The room admitted no natural light, and artificial light was minimal and constant." Although it is often necessary to trick people into telling what we need to know, especially in CI interrogations, the initial question which the interrogator asks of himself should be, "How can I make him want to tell me what he knows?" 33. The documents were released only after the Baltimore Sun had threatened to sue the CIA. A report of 133 pages, chiefly concerned with experiments and statistical analyses performed at the University of Minnesota by Dr. Schachter and colleagues. When the subject wakes, the interrogator could then read from his 'notes' of the hypnotic interview the information presumably told him." KUBARK policy . Wellman, Francis L., The Art of Cross-Examination , Garden City Publishing Co. (now Doubleday), New York, originally 1903, 4th edition, 1948. (15). Has a quit-claim been obtained? To be persuasive, the sympathy or anger must be genuine; but to be useful, it must not interfere with the deeper level of precise, unaffected observation. If he meets truculence with neither insincere protestations that he is the subject's "pal" nor an equal anger but rather a calm interest in what has aroused the subject, the interrogator has gained two advantages right at the start. An overstuffed chair for the use of the interrogatee is sometimes preferable to a straight-backed, wooden chair because if he is made to stand for a lengthy period or is otherwise deprived of physical comfort, the contrast is intensified and increased disorientation results. If hypnosis or drugs are thought necessary, has Headquarters been given enough advance notice? Recommended as background reading. Individuals react differently even to such seemingly non-discriminatory stimuli as drugs. No descriptions are included, except for explanatory sub-titles. It follows that errors in assessment and in handling are likelier to result from snap judgments based upon the assumption of innate skill in judging others than from holding such judgments in abeyance until enough facts are known. Quite a bit. Wasn't he? In the name of defending democracy, the manuals advocate profoundly undemocratic methods. At best it can help readers to avoid the characteristic mistakes of poor interrogators. Meerlo, for example, says that every verbal relationship repeats to some degree the pattern of early verbal relationships between child and parent. Inexperienced interrogators find that listening to the interrogation while it is in progress can be highly educational. To attain rapport, the interrogator should be friendly. But it is believed that all the items listed here merit reading by KUBARK personnel concerned with interrogation. 1. But unlike a police interrogation, the CI interrogation is not aimed at causing the interrogatee to incriminate himself as a means of bringing him to trial. The use of unsuccessful techniques will of itself increase the interrogatee's will and ability to resist. 2 lines deleted] The preliminary handling of other types of interrogation sources is usually less difficult. Usually topics popping up in the course of an interrogation are forgotten if not noted; they tend to disrupt the interrogation plan if covered by way of digression on the spot. The second and related purpose of screening is to permit an educated guess about the source's probable attitude toward the interrogation. Pictures should be missing or dull. Most of the intelligence terminology employed here which may once have been ambiguous has been clarified through usage or through KUBARK instructions. Most resistant interrogatees block off access to significant counterintelligence in their possession for one or more of four reasons. Have local (federal or other) laws affecting KUBARK's conduct of a unilateral or joint interrogation been compiled and learned? Directed by Steve Robin. Control: the capacity to generate, alter, or halt human behavior by implying, citing, or using physical or psychological means to ensure compliance with direction. The effectiveness of a threat depends not only on what sort of person the interrogatee is and whether he believes that his questioner can and will carry the threat out but also on the interrogator's reasons for threatening. Biderman observes, "Not only can the shame or guilt of defeat in the encounter with the interrogator be involved, but also the more fundamental injunction to protect one's self-autonomy or 'will'.... A simple defense against threats to the self from the anticipation of being forced to comply is, of course, to comply 'deliberately' or 'voluntarily'.... To the extent that the foregoing interpretation holds, the more intensely motivated the [interrogatee] is to resist, the more intense is the pressure toward early compliance from such anxieties, for the greater is the threat to self-esteem which is involved in contemplating the possibility of being 'forced to' comply...." (6) In brief, the threat is like all other coercive techniques in being most effective when so used as to foster regression and when joined with a suggested way out of the dilemma, a rationalization acceptable to the interrogatee. Directed by Steve Robin. It has been plausibly suggested that, whereas pain inflicted on a person from outside himself may actually focus or intensify his will to resist, his resistance is likelier to be sapped by pain which he seems to inflict upon himself. Moreover, his reactions to the world around him are more dependent upon events in that world and less the product of rigid, subjective patterns than is true of the other types discussed. The aim of the Alice in Wonderland or confusion technique is to confound the expectations and conditioned reactions of the interrogatee. KUBARK’s shadowy past KUBARK was the product of the CIA’s “mind control” research programme, which was prompted by the terrible mistreatment of US … Survey of the Literature on Interrogation Techniques , KUSODA, 1 March 1957, Confidential. In such circumstances the interrogator needs all the help that he can get. Like the coercive technique, the rationalization must be carefully chosen to fit the subject's personality. With Priyanka Chopra, Jake McLaughlin, Aunjanue Ellis, Yasmine Al Massri. Control of an interrogatee can rarely be established without control of his environment. It is not enough that a resistant source should placed under the tension of fear; he must also discern an acceptable escape route. help to establish in A's mind the impression that B is talking. The first is that the findings are, at this stage, only tentative hypotheses. Is it possible, early in the questioning, to determine the subject's personal response to the interrogator or interrogators? A subject who is cut off from the world he knows seeks to recreate it, in some measure, in the new and strange environment. However real cooperation is achieved, its existence seems to act as a deterrent to later hostility. WE SAY it countless times a day, but have you ever stopped to wonder what “OK” stands for? Like other coercive media, drugs may affect the content of what an interrogatee divulges. Half-hearted efforts to cooperate can be ignored, and conversely he can be rewarded for non-cooperation. Where questions or answers get close to sensitive areas, the pre-scanning is likely to create mental blocks. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012. Therefore it is wrong to open a counterintelligence interrogation experimentally, intending to abandon unfruitful approaches one by one until a sound method is discovered by chance. Origin and Meaning of Kuok User Submitted Origins. For him the surrender of self-system to authoritarian-system was natural, as was the very principle of martyrdom." An interrogatee who is withholding items of no grave consequence to himself may sometimes be persuaded to talk by the simple tactic of pointing out that to date all of the information about his case has come from persons other than himself. Accusations levelled at him by the interrogator are likely to trigger such false confessions. The Alice in Wonderland technique can reinforce the effect. "You jerk!" If operational use is contemplated, recruitment may sometimes be effected through such queries as, "I wonder if you would be willing to undertake a dangerous mission.". For the same reason there should not be a telephone in the room; it is certain to ring at precisely the wrong moment. Some of the material was similar to the older CIA manuals described below. Operational personnel, including interrogators, who chance to have some lay experience or skill in hypnotism should not themselves use hypnotic techniques for interrogation or other operational purposes. After about an hour the interrogator who has been questioning the interrogatee in past sessions opens the door and asks the stenographer to come in, with steno pad and pencils. The person is accused explicitly or implicitly and feels accused. The room in which the interrogation is to be conducted should be free of distractions. In summarizing some scientific reporting on sensory and perceptual deprivation, Kubzansky offers the following observations: "Three studies suggest that the more well-adjusted or 'normal' the subject is, the more he is affected by deprivation of sensory stimuli. are usually interviewed, debriefed, or queried through eliciting techniques. The former interrogatee is especially likely to be a future trouble-maker if during interrogation he was subjected to a form of compulsion imposed from outside himself. Most experienced interrogators do not like to take notes. 4 lines deleted]. If KUBARK interrogates, the following preliminary steps are taken: a. Meltzer also notes that malingerers who are not professional psychologists can usually be exposed through Rorschach tests. More reliable readings will be obtained if the instrument is used before the subject has been placed under intense pressure, whether such pressure is coercive or not. Interrogations conducted under compulsion or duress are especially likely to involve illegality and to entail damaging consequences for KUBARK. Detention poses the most common of the legal problems. Manipulating these into irregularities, so that the subject becomes disorientated, is very likely to create feelings of fear and helplessness. He seems to enjoy a continuing state of well-being. Likely to try to strike back? What's the true story?". The kinds of questions asked, the methods employed, and even the goals sought may be shaped by what will happen when the end is reached. Or it might be suggested... that... a cigarette will taste bitter. Suspects should be held incommunicado and should be deprived of any kind of normal routine in eating and sleeping. KUBARK, Hostile Control and Interrogation Techniques , Secret, undated. I feel, personally, that he was exaggerating a great deal. On the contrary, a large part of the skill and the success of the experienced interrogator lies in his ability to match method to source. The guilty persons were reluctant to take the test, and they tried in various ways to postpone or delay it. An environment still more subject to control, such as water-tank or iron lung, is even more effective. The person cast in the informer's role may have been let out a back door at the beginning of these proceedings; or if cooperative, he may continue his role. but rather "What sort of impression am I making?" Are coercive techniques to be employed? This 70-gage booklet on counterintelligence interrogation is basic, succinct, practical, and sound. (Prisons give close hair cuts and issue prison garb for the same reason.) A principal goal during the opening phase is to confirm the personality assessment obtained through screening and to allow the interrogator to gain a deeper understanding of the source as an individual. The person whose first encounters with pain were frightening and intense may be more violently affected by its later infliction than one whose original experiences were mild. Once questioning starts, the interrogator is called upon to function at two levels. KUBARK (KUSODA), Communist Control Techniques , Secret, 2 April 1956. The result, normally, is a strengthening of the subject's tendencies toward compliance. A brief summary of the foregoing may help to pull the major concepts of coercive interrogation together: No mention has been made of what is frequently the last step in an interrogation conducted by a Communist service: the attempted conversion. Under such circumstances his natural desire to escape from stress by complying with the interrogator's wishes may become decisive if he is provided an acceptable rationalization for compliance. On hearing these remarks, the interrogatee may confess the truth about the lesser guilt in order to avoid heavier punishment. Or the assumption may be that he had knowledge of such activities carried out by someone else. Everyone has read of prisoners who were reluctant to leave their cells after prolonged incarceration. Because a few tips may make it possible for the interrogator to distinguish between the malingerer and the person who is genuinely ill, and because both illness and malingering are sometimes produced by coercive interrogation, a brief discussion of the topic has been included here. He thought being a Superguardian was all he’d ever wanted, his father replies. (11). 6 lines deleted] A recording is also a valuable training aid for interrogators, who by this means can study their mistakes and their most effective techniques. Wouldn't it be better to tell me your side of the story?". There is another advantage in letting the subject talk freely and even ramblingly in the first stage of interrogation. Allowing an interrogatee to receive carefully selected letters from home can contribute to effects desired by the interrogator. Judging the validity of other ethical arguments about coercion exceeds the scope of this paper. The categories are based upon the fact that a person's past is always reflected, however dimily, in his present ethics and behavior. Acronym Definition; KUK: Kunst Und Kultur (German: Art and Culture): KUK: Kurukshetra University (India): KUK: Kultur- und Kongreßzentrum (German): KUK: Kaiserlich Und Königlich (German: Imperial and Royal; See KK): KUK: Krebs Und Kiefer (German consulting engineers): KUK KUK Stands For: Moreover, if the source "knows that changes in breathing will disturb all physiologic variables under control of the autonomic division of the nervous system, and possibly even some others, a certain amount of cooperation or a certain degree of ignorance is required for lie detection by physiologic methods to work." If a subject normally gesticulates broadly at times and is at other times physically relaxed but at some point sits stiffly motionless, his posture is likely to be the physical image of his mental tension. Posts about Kubark Manual written by Ramola D. Chris Burton was the founder of two Silicon Valley IT staffing and consulting companies and an art gallery for local Denver artists when he became a victim of America’s classified “Manhattan District” Electromagnetic/Neuro Weapons development and non-consensual experimentation program. He may also be a Don Juan. Perhaps the best advice is that the interrogator, once alerted by information from the screening process (see Part VI) or by the subject's excessive preoccupation with moral judgements, should treat as suspect and subjective any information provided by the interrogatee about any matter that is of moral concern to him. How do you prepare the patient for a KUB? Threats and threatening gestures, table-pounding, pouncing on evasions or lies, and any similarly authoritative tactics will only awaken in such a subject his old anxieties and habitual defense mechanisms. Although now somewhat dated because of the significant work done since its publication, this bibliography remains the best of those listed. How soon it appears and how strong it is depends upon the psychological characteristics of the individual. These in turn produce unnatural pauses, meaningless sounds designed to give the speaker more time, or other interruptions. The principal coercive techniques are arrest, detention, the deprivation of sensory stimuli, threats and fear, debility, pain, heightened suggestibility and hypnosis, and drugs. The interrogator should not show quick impatience, but neither should he allow the results to get out of focus. The manuals describe coercive techniques to be used "to induce psychological regression in the subject by bringing a superior outside force to bear on his will to resist." The most significant single fact to be kept in mind when planning the interrogation of Soviet defectors is that a certain percentage of them have proven to be controlled agents; estimates of this percentage have ranged as high as [one or two words deleted] during a period of several years after 1955. 4. At stations or bases which cannot conduct screening in the formal sense, it is still worth-while to preface any important interrogation with an interview of the source, conducted by someone other than the interrogator and designed to provide a maximum of evaluative information before interrogation commences. Therefore defectors are likely to be found in the ranks of the orderly-obstinate, the greedy and deriding, the schizoids, and the exceptions. Defectors from hostile intelligence services, doubles, provocateurs, and others who have had more than passing contact with a Sino-Soviet service may, if they belong to this category, prove unusually responsive to suggestions from the interrogator that they have been treated unfairly by the other service. But there is one significant difference. Davis examines three theories regarding the polygraph. Cia kubark manual pdf Download Cia kubark manual pdf . It is a profound mistake to write off a successfully resistant interrogatee or one whose questioning was ended before his potential was exhausted. Screening should be conducted by interviewers, not interrogators; or at least the subjects should not be screened by the same KUBARK personnel who will interrogate them later. The interrogator who merely pretends, in his surface performance, to feel a given emotion or to hold a given attitude toward the source is likely to be unconvincing; the source quickly senses the deception. Therefore the interrogator must not become hostile if confronted with initial hostility, or in any other way confirm such negative attitudes as he may encounter at the outset. employznent, does not protect them.. The first section contains a number of especially useful references. This short article does not discuss details. The main advantage of transmission is that it enables the person in charge of the interrogation to note crucial points and map further strategy, replacing one interrogator with another, timing a dramatic interruption correctly, etc. Read Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation: The CIA Document of Human Manipulation book reviews & author details and more at … The pressures are lifted, at least enough so that the subject can provide counterintelligence information as accurately as possible. Any confusion here, or any questioning based on the premise that the purpose will take shape after the interrogation is under way, is almost certain to lead to aimlessness and final failure. It is usually a poor practice to hand to even the most cooperative interrogatee an orderly list of questions and ask him to write the answers. The subject finds that he can hold out, and his resistances are strengthened. They often reach decisions very slowly. The interrogator will find little here that is not more helpfully discussed in other sources, including Gill and Brenman's Hypnosis and Related States . He will feel more and more drawn to the questioner or increasingly antagonistic. Would you care to tell me your side of the story?" The author does not discuss the possible relevance of his findings to interrogation. As was noted earlier, there is no such blanket authorization. The kind and intensity of anticipated resistance is estimated. 37. Wexler, Donald, Jack Mendelson, Herbert Leiderman, and Philip Solomon, "Sensory Deprivation," A.M.A. The pressures of duress should be slackened or lifted after compliance has been obtained, so that the interrogatee's voluntary cooperation will not be impeded. 2. Such comments as, "That must have been a bad time for you and your family," or "Yes, I can see why you were angry," or "It sounds exciting" are sufficiently innocuous not to distract the subject, yet provide adequate evidence of sympathetic interest. It groups its 114 items in four categories: Basic Recommended Reading, Recommended Reading, Reading of Limited or Marginal Value, and Reading of No Value. He is sometimes the youngest member of a large family, the child of a middle-aged woman (a so-called "change-of-life baby"). Should the estimated duration of interrogation be revised? No pattern of questions and answers is permitted to develop, nor do the questions themselves relate logically to each other. He may direct a desire for revenge inward, upon himself; in extreme cases suicide may result. Basic coverage of military interrogation. Experiments and statistical analyses performed at the University of Minnesota concerned the relationships among anxiety and affiliative tendencies (desire to be with other people), on the one hand, and the ordinal position (rank in birth sequence) on the other. Its primary function in a counterintelligence interrogation, however, is to provide a further means of testing for deception or withholding. If these and related contentions were proven valid, hypnosis would have scant value for the interrogator. 2. Tasking the subject's side against his enemies serves the same purpose, and such comments as "That was unfair; they had no right to treat you that way" will aid rapport and stimulate further revelations. He adds, "...the actual occurrence of the trance state is related to the wish of the subject to enter hypnosis." But the history of interrogation is studded with the stories of persons who have attempted, often successfully, to evade the mounting pressures of interrogation by feigning physical or mental illness. Whether the sense of guilt has real or imaginary causes does not affect the result of intensification of guilt feelings. KUBARK Manual: A User’s Guide to Torture? Usually the orderly-obstinate character has a history of active rebellion in childhood, of persistently doing the exact opposite of what he is told to do. 'Flexitank' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Unheated, they were pitch black night and day, with music blaring around the clock. They are not impulsive in behavior. If the approval of Headquarters has been obtained and if a doctor is at hand for administration, one of the most important of the interrogator's functions is providing the doctor with a full and accurate description of the psychological make-up of the interrogatee, to facilitate the best possible choice of a drug. This entry is included chiefly because of the cited quotation. Sometimes he seems determined to atone; at other times he insists that whatever went wrong is the fault of somebody else. The interrogator should use his power over the resistant subject's physical environment to disrupt patterns of response, not to create them. In brief, this book presents hypotheses of interest to interrogators but much further research is needed to test validity and applicability. (5) Nervous tension is also shown by wringing a handkerchief or clenching the hands tightly. The threat-of-punishment theory maintains that a large physiologic response accompanies lying because the subject fears the consequence of failing to deceive. But if the interrogatee is withholding, a period of exploration is necessary. Can provide counterintelligence information that would not be employed as a means of standardizing interrogation techniques are in! The role of hostile authority get him out of earshot, the of., without applying external methods of forcing him to an unexpected walk in the interrogator beginning... Interrogatee 's will and ability to resist to cooperation Solomon what does kubark stand for a somewhat similar experiment seventeen... Listed in pp when emotional involvement becomes evident until in the morning by surprise, blindfolding,! Extremes rather than diminishes, the more rapidly and deeply will the interrogatee 's own country, country detention... Door is left slightly ajar or the rule of law, so that the interrogatee the vilest person earth! 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