For the most part, Dance Partner Swapping should only be done in high end environments such as optimized speed kills. One last thing about Skill Speed is that certain fights may have different phases or periods of time where the Boss is untargetable. Weapon Damage and Dexterity are the simplest of stats with regards to DNC DPS, especially since all gear pieces have Dexterity. However, if Flourish is used before a Standard Step (which occurs most of the time in our rotation with Flourish unless Standard Step and/or Flourish have drifted significantly), 2 of the 8 GCDs while the buffs are active will be used on 5 seconds of dancing the Standard Step (Standard Step + 2 Steps + Standard Finish = 5 seconds). Description. It is better to use your proc and delay Flourish by 1 GCD than using Flourish to override the proc. This buff lasts for approximately 5 seconds after the party member steps out of the improvisation circle or after the cast of improvisation ends. Your esprit gauge can hold a maximum of 100 esprit. This means they are the job that can produce the most esprit overall. For the third point, let’s look at how much esprit your dance partner generates for you. For E1S and E7S, both tanks should be able to interrupt these abilities with their Interject ability. This mod overhauls all the eyes for all races and genders in FFXIV. Description of these stats are as follows: Weapon Damage: Found on your weapon, is an independent contributory factor to the damage formulaDexterity: DNC’s primary stat that is found on all of its gear, 1 point in dexterity adds 1 point in attack power which has its own function in the damage formulaCrit: DNC’s most desired secondary stat, increases the chance of success in landing critical hits and increases the crit damage multiplier when you successfully land a critical hitDirect Hit: secondary stat, increases the chance of success in landing a direct hit (Note: Direct Hits do a static 25% increase in damage)Det: secondary stat, flat damage% increase which is its on separate function in the damage formula.SkS: secondary stat, decreases the global cooldown timer (base 2.50 for all DNC weaponskills) and increases the damage auto attacks do. Therefore, when looking at obtainable options from melding combinations, the maximum expected damage was calculated for 2067 DET and 2762 DH (42.0 % DET / 58.0 % DH) which is the stats for current BiS for DNC as of patch 5.25. Caster resources are created and hosted by Akh Morning. These delays are generally only worth it if you would not lose a cast of Technical Finish / Devilment in the fight with the delay. The only thing we really have control of in the Technical Finish window is the order in which we do Technical Step / Devilment / Flourish / Standard Step. Magic: The Gathering and its respective properties are copyright Wizards of the Coast. It’s possible to generate 40 or less esprit, and it’s possible to generate 200+ esprit. 254 points of Skill Speed will increase auto attack damage by 1%). FFXIV: Deepshadow Scale Mail of Casting Posted on August 11, 2019 by Aywren Sojourner I’ve been trying to keep up with capping my weekly Tomes of Phantasmagoria — you know they’re reaching for names when they come up with something like that. Additionally, thanks to the hard work of the members of the Allagan Studies, the damage formulas have been determined along with the stat tiers used to help support the rotational strategies that were found using math to find the best results and simulations to confirm them. Second Wind is a useful self heal oGCD that is on a 120 second cooldown. If a gear piece is synced, it loses the effect of the materia melded. The way DNC’s damage can be optimized is through a combination of maximizing the amount of damage you do (especially during buff windows), maximizing the amount of damage gained by your buffs to party members through optimal buff timings and Dance Partner choice, and minimizing losses in resource management (such as overcapping on esprit / feathers, or overriding a proc). In order to effectively compare these rotations, we need to account for the likelihood of some of these events occurring. Therefore, you will never want to double weave Flourish into Fan Dance since you lose the potential of using a Fan Dance III proc that would come from this feather. Alongside a raft of top-drawer story content and two new jobs, Shadowbringers has introduced a vast number of improvements to existing jobs, making many of them more effective, user-friendly, and fun to play. In the case of a party with two or more dancers, Technical Finish’s 5% party-wide damage buff will not stack if performed at the same time; however, each dancer will maintain their own separate esprit generation buffs. The underlying assumption is these estimated esprit generations are good enough for any calculations that require them. Dancer is a ranged physical DPS job (along with BRD and MCH) which has a pretty straightforward style to its gameplay. Technical step is also on a 120 second cooldown (starting from when Technical Step first gets initiated). It is also noteworthy that SAM’s DoT (Higanbana) snapshots the Devilment’s crit/dh buff for the full 1 minute duration of the DoT. Black Mage, along with Samurai, is one of the top damage dealers in most fights and can make very good use of Standard Finish 5% damage buff. Using either of these buffs when they are already active will override the crit/dh buff from Devilment and the damage% buff from Technical Finish. Since a disproportionately large amount of your damage occurs during buffs windows (specifically under Technical Finish and Devilment), this heavily weighs Crit to become more and more valuable over DH and DET which have a stagnant damage% increase during these windows. The Technical Finish / Devilment buffs last a total of 20 seconds which means you have these buffs for 8 GCDs worth of time. Losing 10 esprit due to overcapping is a loss of 53.4 potency per 10 esprit. This means outside of our opener, we will want to rearrange when we use Devilment and Flourish under Technical Finish so that Devilment is the first oGCD under Technical Finish. Note: After doing this combo’d Fountain, continue using the rest of your Flourish procs and use Standard Step when it comes up. It is a useful ability to use when you don’t know whether you have enough health to survive the next raid wide damage. After successfully pressing the required steps, the Technical Finish icon will be highlighted which when pressed will finish the dance and return your skills back to normal. Jun 28th 2019 Updated site for Shadowbringers (5.0)! Due to the randomness of the proc, feather, and esprit generation, DNC has a dynamic playstyle where no two pulls are ever the same. all other factors such as Crit, WD, Dex, Raid Buffs, When examining DET and DH stat interactions with each other, it is important to note that in trying to figure out what gives us the maximum expected damage with these stats, we need to maximize the value of “(Contribution from DET) x (Contribution from Direct Hits)”. Many current top DNC parses show on some fights the % of your total damage that is done under Devilment is approximately 31%. Since the Crit secondary stat increases the success rate of landing a critical hit while also increasing the damage multiplier of critical hits, stacking large amounts of Crit will result in larger damage% gains per Crit stat tier. Additionally, DNC has two 2 min cooldown abilities: Technical Step and Devilment. Once their Weakness debuff wears off, figure out an ideal time in your rotation to repartner them in order to be buffing the strongest partner possible. If a gear piece is synced, it loses the effect of the materia melded. But ultimately, the simple form of the DNC rotation outside of Technical Finish / Devilment can be summed up as 10 GCDs in between Standard Steps. However, while under the effect of Devilment, the DNC’s DH rate receives a flat increase of 20%. Hopefully after reading this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to play DNC to its fullest. The best way to do this is through double weaving (weaving two oGCDs in between two GCDs). In addition to not being able to use weaponskills, you won’t be able to use any oGCD abilities with the exception of. Although not a support ability, this role action prevents you from being knocked back for 6 seconds (120 second cooldown for the ability). Additionally, this can be used as a small self-heal if needed to help survive a mechanic. The oGCD proc from Fan Dance is called Fan Dance III. Using a proc GCD when you are already capped on feathers is on average a loss of 125 potency (on single target encounters) due to missed potential of generating a feather from that proc and missed potential that feather had for generating a Fan Dance III proc. The other effect skill speed has is lowering the global cooldown for weaponskills. For UCOB, the following Bonewicca ilvl345 gear pieces from Swallow’s Compass are slightly better than sync’ed gear pieces due to gains from melding: Helm (note: you lose 80 crit here for a gain of 32 total secondary points, might not be worth it depending on stat tiering at level 70), Amount of damage they do in total (affects how much DPS they gain from, Amount of esprit they’ll likely generate for the DNC outside of, the act of delaying a GCD due to the timing of the usage of an oGCD or the number of oGCDs used in between GCDs, can cause significant losses in DPS if many clips occur in a fight, an ability that can be used on a target party member that grants them the Dance Partner party effect. Technical Step is very similar to Standard Step in how the steps are executed, with one big difference. For DET, it takes approximately 252 points of DET to obtain a 1% damage increase. Head Graze has a 30 second cooldown. Tooltip code copied to clipboard. You can also use feathers during non-Technical Finish / Devilment buff windows (such as the Trick Attack at odd minutes, Brotherhood, and Battle Litany). When using a potion, you will want to not use any other oGCDs in the same weave as the potion because of the significant animation lock of using the potion. This is important when considering downtime of fights, or portions where the Boss is untargetable. Additionally, you have 4 more GCDs that mirror the way Cascade, Fountain, Reverse Cascade, and Fountainfall work in an AoE setting called Windmill, Bladeshower, Rising Windmill, and Bloodshower. What this all means is that there is a delay of approximately 7 seconds from when you hit Ending and remove the Standard Finish buffs from your original partner to when Standard Finish gets applied to your new partner. Everything in this guide is free to be reposted or otherwise used freely! You may lose 1 proc GCD under the effects of other raid buffs, but you’ll gain the opportunity to do more Saber Dances under the same buffs. Despite doing low personal damage overall, DNC offers incredibly powerful burst damage in a 20 second window every 2 mins with its Technical Step and Devilment abilities. It is advised to do this Reassemble outside of Devilment. Improvisation is a level 80 Dancer ability that creates a circle around you in a 6y radius for as long as you channel the ability for up to 15 seconds. The exception to this is phases of fights with incredible long downtime (such as the transition from add phases to final phase in Shiva E8S) where the buffs may naturally fall off before you have to perform your “reopener.”. In order to accomplish this, you’ll have to remove Closed Position from your original partner first and then give your new partner Closed Position. using oGCD abilities in between GCDs (using 1 oGCD between GCDs = Single Weaving, using 2 oGCD between GCDs = Double Weaving), Resilla and Yumiya (Helpful DNCs on The Balance who helped look over this guide for errors), Ellunavi (Moderator on The Balance, and contributed much to DNC resources including his, Alevia Rohan for helping me host this guide on SaltedXIV, My static, “melees fkn sukMonkeys with Typewriters”, for letting me put up the axe and become a DNC main =). The TCGPlayer Price Guide tool shows you the value of a card based on the most reliable pricing information available. This extra 1.7% damage came solely from stacking these buffs (or using them at the same time). See more information about this in the “Technical Finish / Devilment Window Optimization” section of this guide for more details of why we would do this. During those 8 GCDs (6 GCDs + Standard Step), you want to get as much potency in as possible without losing any procs or overcapping resources (esprit or feathers). Both of these buffs last for 60 seconds upon successfully casting Standard Finish. By doing Technical Finish before the other buffs are out, you lose a little bit of potency gain from doing that powerful finishing move before all the buffs. Keep in mind that on average you will generate approximately 2-3 feathers in a 45 second period of time (i.e. If Standard Finish is cast while the buffs are active, the timer of both buffs will be refreshed to 60 seconds. Essentially, proper itemization increases your DPS before you even step into the fight. When you use Flourish, you will gain a proc for all 5 of the actions that each last for 20 seconds. The easiest way to increase these stats is simply by upgrading gear pieces for higher ilvl items that provide more DEX and higher ilvl weapons with more Weapon Damage. Gamer Escape: Gaming News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts Gaming Community featuring News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts In actual practice, esprit generation is sporadic during the 20 seconds (for example, you could have a surge of esprit at one specific GCD). 6th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon. In order to accomplish this, you would start the fight with closed position on the job that bursts for more in the opener. Although playable, it is suboptimal since you won’t be able to weave as many oGCDs as possible in buff windows. The Technical Step sequence looks like this: Because the time it takes to execute Technical Step, the 4 steps, and Technical Finish is a total of 7 seconds (1.5s for Technical Step, 1.0s x4 for the steps, 1.5s for Technical Finish = 7.0s), there is a natural 0.5 second gap period of time (because it’s 0.5 seconds short of 7.5 seconds which is the same as 3 GCDs worth of time) when at a 2.50 GCD tier between the end of a GCD and when Standard Step comes off cooldown during Technical Finish (if Standard Step has not drifted through out the fight). Standard Step is one of your strongest damaging moves and should be kept off cooldown as much as possible. Fits: For: Advertisement. If you know when you want the Technical Finish buff to go out to the party, you’ll have to work back ~6 seconds for when you’ll want to start Technical Step. Our top priority is to still not let any procs drop. Most of the time, it is better to hold the GCD so Standard Step does not drift. Even though DH is the more economical stat to meld, going full DH and completely avoiding DET is actually a damage loss due to how these secondary stats contribute to the damage formula in a multiplicative way. Additionally, their burst windows don’t sync well with Devilment. However, BLM’s damage is very consistent throughout the fight and does not have high burst windows like other jobs that could capitalize on the Devilment buff. At the very least, SMN should be able to snapshot Devilment on their DoTs with Tri-disaster, but they might not have their full burst under Devilment. Shadowless Bottoms of Casting Undyed. Consider using one of these GCDs on Saber Dance to prevent overcapping esprit. In a normal fight with a normal opener, the recommendation would be to delay your Technical Step by 1 GCD on the second use of Technical Step to line it up with Devilment which would delay your 3rd usage of Flourish by 2 GCDs in order to get the following alignment (assuming Standard Step did not drift): However, if you are doing a re-opener in a fight where you are starting with full resources (100 esprit and 4 feathers), doing a Flourish before Standard Step on this specific Technical Finish window has a high chance of causing potency losses due to overcapping esprit. Main Page; Getting Started. This esprit generation probability curve looks like this: Using the probabilities for the different amounts of esprit and feathers generated, we can calculate weighted averages for each rotation’s potency gains under Technical Finish and Devilment. In order to confirm this information, large amounts of data would need to be collected for many runs of different jobs. Finally, the average GCD value was compared to the value of a combo’d Fountain to determine what the loss in potency is for dropping the combo. To add tags, simply start typing the tag you're after. An important thing when considering Technical Finish and Devilment is that both of these buffs last 20 seconds, while the other raid buffs mentioned last for 15 seconds. You can opt to do a 1 or 0 step dance in order to ensure the Standard Finish goes off under niche circumstances where the 2 step dance would not hit the Boss. Take part in the next saga of the critically acclaimed FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online with the next legendary expansion pack—SHADOWBRINGERS New jobs Gunbreaker and Dancer New races Viera and Hrothgar Level cap increased 70 to 80 New cities The Crystarium and Eulmore Journey through expansive new areas, such as the Rak’tika Greatwood, Amh Araeng, Il Mheg and Lakeland. En Avant has a 1 second cooldown which makes it difficult to weave 2 casts of En Avant in the same GCD without clipping. This section highlights how to best use some of these abilities: Shield Samba is a 120 second cooldown ability that provides a 10% damage reduction buff to all party members within a 20y radius around the Dancer for 15 seconds. “Best in Slot” refers to the best possible combination of gear for a specific piece of content. At current 5.2 BiS, it heals for about 14k non-crit (approximately 12% of your max hp). However, one key thing to point out about Shield Samba is that it cannot be used while you are dancing. Lastly, MNK is the fastest job with a ~1.96s GCD. However, NIN may only execute 3-5 weaponskills due to how many Ninjutsus they cast during these buffs windows (especially with Ten Chi Jin). -
If overcapped esprit would occur, the expected amount of overcapped esprit would factor into the effective potency total by subtracting 53.4 potency per 10 esprit lost in this way (average value of 10 esprit compared to average GCD). When Closed Position is active, the Closed Position hotkey will change to an action called Ending which triggers a 1 second cooldown for Closed Position when used. Its main weaponskill GCDs revolve around a simple combo that has a chance to generate stronger proc GCDs which have a chance to generate feathers which can be used for oGCD damage abilities. When weaving oGCDs, you can double weave 2 oGCDs in between 2 regular weaponskill GCDs, but you will only be able to weave 1 oGCD after a Standard or Technical Finish due to these GCDs only being 1.5 seconds as opposed to your normal weaponskill GCD (base 2.50 sec). Unlike other raid buff abilities, Technical Finish needs 5.5s to execute Technical Step and the 4 steps before Technical Finish can be used.
You can filter your search by including or excluding tags. The average GCD value of the proc GCDs is then compared to this average GCD value to determine what is the loss of dropping that proc as well as the average GCD value of Saber Dance to determine what is the loss of dropping 10 esprit that could have gone to a Saber Dance GCD. There are some awkward interactions with Devilment and MNK’s Perfect Balance, where several of the GCDs MNK will be doing under Devilment are Bootshine which has a guaranteed chance to crit, making Devilment’s +crit% chance worthless for these GCDs. Ellunavi (moderator on The Balance – Discord server) wrote an in depth analysis at the beginning of Shadowbrings for DNC that was very detailed regarding the calculations that established the priorities for DNC GCD and oGCD usage. Determination and DH are similarly valued for DNC, but DH is slightly more worthwhile. However, in a vacuum, Devilment’s best placement for your Dance Partner is on the oGCD after Technical Finish due to the multiplicative gains they would have from both buffs for the entirety of their durations. You have a total of 15 seconds after using Technical Step to do the steps and use Technical Finish before the dance effect expires. Crafting & Gathering content will be hosted by another site. The next question to be answered is whether it is worth it to delay Flourish until after Standard Step in order to prevent losses due to overcapping esprit. if you do, In situations where the number of targets you can hit changes (i.e. Heirloom Set (ilvl 485) Additionally, you may have 2 players with similar gear, but one performs exceptionally better at their job than the other. Summoner does pretty good personal DPS and is usually ranked #3 in single target boss fights. You and your dance partner will retain the normal amount of esprit generation you had before. Feb 11th 2019 Updated Loot Tables for 4.55! If starting with high amounts of esprit, these rotations are on average a 200 effective potency loss per buff window compared to the rotations which use Devilment in the oGCD Technical Finish occurs. When hitting the specific dance steps (Emboite, Entrechat, Jete, Pirouette), they initiate a 1.0s GCD. After successfully pressing the required steps, the Standard Finish icon will be highlighted which when pressed will finish the dance and return your skills back to normal. Set in Hydaelyn, adventurers of all creeds will converge in Eorzea, a realm of diverse climates and landscapes, peopled by races as varied as its city-states. When using a macro like this, you do not want to double weave. When using it pre-pull in a fight, you can use it at any point before the boss is pulled since the buff lasts 30 seconds and can be used while dancing. DNC Job Guide from Square Enix (which includes job weaponskill and ability descriptions). *Special Note: Abilities can both crit and direct hit at the same time, in which case they get both the crit damage multiplier and the 1.25 multiplier from direct hit when the action both crits and direct hits. The more raid buffs that are stacked together like this, the greater the overall gains are for everyone in the party. If you do not complete the targeted sequence before hitting Standard Finish, you will not get the maximum potency and damage% up buff from Standard Finish. Priority in Technical Finish windows is to not lose a proc ever, even if it means overcapping esprit. This rotation is also listed here as a comparison for why we want to order DM as the oGCD after Technical Finish in most cases. For this reason, it can sometimes be beneficial to have delayed Flourish for after your Standard Finish, allowing you 8 GCDs worth of time to use 4 proc GCDs (which also allows you to use 4 non-proc GCDs which can be used on Saber Dance in Technical Finish windows where a lot of esprit is generated). In certain fights, such as ultimates, it can be helpful to plan when to use Second Wind and coordinate with your healers to help figure out how you can use this ability to best maximize your chance of surviving certain mechanics. There are also 2 more waymarkers B and A that are 5y apart from each other and waymarker B is 5y away from target dummy #4. If you have the Ultimate 475 DNC Weapon, meld the 3rd slot of the weapon with +60 Det and change the +60 Det meld on the Shadowless Ring to a +60 DH meld (the original Det meld on the ring is for slightly better stat tiering). Not all actions that party members perform are able to generate esprit. To understand how these stats affect your damage, it’s important to understand how stat tiering works in FFXIV. at the picture on the top of this page, you would do Cascade → Reverse Cascade → Standard Step → 2 Steps → Standard Finish (Flourish) → continue… ). Comments. Set in Hydaelyn, adventurers of all creeds will converge in Eorzea, a realm of diverse climates and landscapes, peopled by races as varied as its city-states. Franchises : Final Fantasy Genres : RPG In this case, delaying the Flourish to after Standard Finish will still likely have all of the Flourish procs be able to be used under other raid buffs due to how other jobs will reopen and the timing of their buffs. Overall, this would require swapping partners every minute on the Standard Steps before and after Devilment. Most jobs will be able to execute approximately 8 weaponskills or spells under this buff. search glamours using the same piece. SMN, however, is king of a dance partner in settings where you have full uptime on 2+ targets (such as The Epic of Alexander’s first 2 phases). However, auto attacks are only about 13-15% of our total damage. Determining what gear to wear can have an impact on the damage you do. If you have an opportunity to hit 2 or more targets during this Technical Finish in the opener, it is better to use a Reverse Cascade here instead and save the Rising Windmill proc for when you can hit 2+ targets (such as the Living Liquid opener in The Epic of Alexander). These gear sets were determined by using the damage formula and stat considerations mentioned in the previous section and were confirmed using simulations to figure out which gear set has the highest expected damage. Peloton is a ranged role action that boosts everyone’s movement speed slightly when out of combat. I find itemization to be a very important topic for any DPS role because wearing a more optimal gear set can increase your damage without changing anything with regards to your rotation. Although this is a slight gain per cast of Technical Finish and Devilment, it will be shifting Flourish onto the tail end of your party’s raid buffs which would also shift it onto the tail end of any raid buffs you may have during non-Technical Finish / Devilment uses of Flourish (such as Battle Litany at 3 min, Brotherhood at 3 min, Trick Attack at odd minutes). “silence”). En Avant is a movement ability that DNCs can use to quickly dash 10y in the direction they are facing. So far in Shadowbringers, the savage fights that needed an interrupt were E1S (for the “Mana Boost” ability during add phase), E7S (for the “Advent of Light” abilities cast by the Idolatry adds), and E8S (for the “Stoneskin” ability cast by Earthen Aether adds). For DNC, the GCD procs are Reverse Cascade, Fountainfall, Rising Windmill, and Bloodshower. The above tooltip code may be used when posting comments in the Eorzea Database, creating blog entries, or accessing the Event & Party Recruitment page. Omicron Shoes of Casting Undyed. Set Pieces (Requirements: BLM/RDM/SMN 80) Head: Shadowless Petasos of Casting* Body: Shadowless Robe of Casting Hands: Shadowless Gloves of Casting Legs: Shadowless Bottoms of Casting** Feet: Shadowless Boots of Casting *The Shadowless Petasos has a … For you Partner if they are facing to mind, the average amount of total party weaponskills and spells this... Boss will be using these abilities on cooldown every 2 minutes is and! They initiate a 1.0s GCD we use them in the following is a considerable loss to DPS. 2 GCDs that could theoretically be non-proc GCDs, there are phases of fights / mechanics fights. Used very frequently throughout a fight and because of how crit scales because! 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Grade 3 Tincture of Dexterity be ffxiv shadowless casting set fight specific mechanics or other reasons for why you may not used. Likelihood of some of these Dances, your normal rotation, and from. Item when synced, i may consider partnering the NIN during Devilment while switching to the high DPS. All the eyes for all races and genders in FFXIV motion, IE: T11 adds end the sequence! / slightly lower than average when comparing all DPS jobs ) add tags, simply start typing the you. Are up for the most reliable pricing information available buffs for 8 GCDs in that Slot based on buffs. They are classified as “ drifting ” and “ holding ” respectively a set of basic 1 → 2 weaponskills! The target dummies that are not on the situation Finish that increases your DPS standing the... Your average job that has no speed enhancement of GCDs cast while the buffs mentioned previously pre-pull in a of! Preventing that from happening subsequent Technical steps will now be naturally lined up with Devilment all races and genders FFXIV... Ilvl 375 gear pieces that have favorable stats ( i.e your search including.