It has oval-shaped, split leaves that look similar to those of a . Keeping your African Violet's blooms going indoors can be a challenge if you aren't setting yourself up for success. If leaf texture is what youre most intrigued by in a foliage plant, the Alocasia Melo does not disappoint its rugged texture is made even more interesting by the visible primary and secondary veins on the leaf, creating a beautiful and intricate pattern. From all of the varieties of houseplants to choose from, Philodendron plants are some of the easiest to look after. Alocasia plants are a collection of tuberous or rhizomatous perennial plants that are flowering in nature. Grow Philodendron plants in a potting mix that has excellent drainage, but still holds some moisture. From a distance, the leathery look of the plants foliage makes it look like a plastic plant. On the left side of the photo above is a Pothos leaf and the right side is a Heart Leaf Philodendron leaf. This is the swollen base of the stem, enclosed by small dry leaves that protect it. As mentioned, these huge plants can grow up to 15 feet tall. The undersides of the leaves are also interesting, sporting a reddish color that only adds to the appeal of this plant. Philodendron Atabapoense has dark green leaves on the upper surface, and its undersides are slightly paler. A potting mixture of peat moss, perlite, and potting soil should create the perfect medium for Philodendron plants to thrive indoors. If you want something unique in your home, this plant will wow your plant-loving friends and become a fixture in your home. The monstera certainly looks and acts like a philodendron, even though it isn't classified as one. Red Leaf Philodendron. This is probably one of the most defining features you can immediately tell if either one is an Alocasia or a Giant Philodendron. While people still navigate to popular plants like the pothos genus, or philodendron genus, more and more houseplant owners are looking for plants like the Alocasia to diversify their indoor gardens. Sometimes, the underside also has a reddish tint that makes it especially unique in the Alocasia family. The plant got its name after the fragrant flowers it produces that resembles the calla lily flowers in that it has a pale peach spathe and a spadix. The main care guide difference to know between Caladiums and Syngoniums are that Caladiums are grown from tubers whereas Syngoniums are grown from adventitious roots. Keep the thermostat above 60F (15C) and this shouldn't happen. It can also be grown in a terrarium as it thrives in high humidity. Of all the houseplant varieties available in the UK, there are two that are loved by experts and novices alike: thePhilodendronand theAlocasia. They love warmth, humidity and water, but like to dry out between waterings. This species of Philodendron is related to the heartleaf plant and has leaves of a similar shape. The lacy tree Philodendron looks similar to the Xanadu plantand theres a good reason for that. You always want to choose a new pot that is 1-2 inches larger in diameter to allow room for growth. Philodendron Congo Rojo has purple, burgundy and dark green foliage. There are botanical differences between the two, but one way to tell them apart is that Colocasia has leaves with the tips pointing down and most Alocasia have leaves pointing up. These tropical plants can grow up to 18 inches tall, making them stunning and compact ornamental plants. This type of Philodendron plant features delightful glossy dark green foliage in the shape of an arrowhead or elongated heart. The Stingray is a popular variety of Alocasia because of its dramatic ornamental leaves that offer a dazzling appearance. Contents hide The information will help you tell the differences between the various philodendron types. Sun Exposure: Indirect sunlight. Additionally, Soil Ph should be around 5.6-7.0. The leaves can reach a length of 2 feet and a width of 1 foot. How to care for philodendron plants: Grow Philodendron plants in well-draining soil, a bright indoor location, and water whenever the top 1 (2.5 cm) of soil is dry. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. As its name suggests, the Alocasia nebula has silvery leaves that look artificial to many. The main difference between the two plants is in the leaf characteristics. The color isnt quite black but usually very dark green. Another difference between these two philodendrons is their leaf color. At Home With Hues is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to While the leaf texture is the same as the Black Velvet, the Frydek grows taller, reaching a height of around 2-3 feet, with leaves that are 18 inches long. The best feature of the Alocasia odora is the coloring of the leaves. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This fast-growing houseplant also has reddish colors on the underside of the leaves. Despite the fact that it belongs in the tropics, this plant is hardy and easy to grow. Its called Tiger Taro because of its bushy leaves and striped pattern but is also one of the most resilient species. The Alocasia cuprea has the most intricate and unusual color scheme of all the Alocasia varieties. To get the best out of the Micans plant, grow in a hanging basket in bright, indirect sunlight. ). Alocasia and Colocasia are often clumped together and are commonly known as elephant ear plants. The Nigra plant, also referred to as the black metallic taro, is a subtle monochromatic plant with a lovely dark green color. The tail is reminiscent of a stingray, which is where the nickname came from. This plant is medium height. This makes them suitable for intermediate to expert plant parents. The large leaves on the Philodendron may be as long as 1 ft. (30 cm). 4. In contrast, Philodendron Billietiae has glossy, dark green leaves with prominent white veins that run throughout. The plant is placed at Buddha temples all over the country. The heart shaped leaves of philodendron Micans have a velvety feel. They are multi-colored, with different shades of green and cream, creating a pattern that makes the leaves look like an abstract oil painting. Both the stem and the leaves are the same color, making for a beautiful homogenous look. The darker-leafed species of Philodendron are suitable for shaded areas. The plants I have originated from two places. At 1.6 feet tall, its a small-growing Alocasia, lending itself even for growing in terrariums, where the humidity and warmth set an ideal environment for this plant. Place the Xanadu plant in a location with medium to bright light. As this plant matures, its stems turn light shades of pink, adding that needed pop of color and flair of drama into your home. HGTV has a good overview of caring for Calycanthus floridus. I earn a commission if you make a purchase through my referral links. Thin white veins run over the leaves for a lovely contrast. Tim Anderson who ran Palm Hammock was one place I had bought it from as well as Mr . A rich burgundy petiole or stem supports the leaves. It also has a distinctive slender tiphaving a similar look to a beetroot plant. i own a var macorrhiza and don't know whether to buy a var frydek as they're . Anne Russel Viburnum. The glossy surface of the leaves makes it commonly known as the Mirror Plant. Namely, at the widest part of the leaf. Your email address will not be published. This is because the plant is native to Thailand, where it is believed to bring great fortune. Ensure adequate light exposure without direct sunlight, evenly moist soil, fast-draining potting mix and high levels of humidity. This plant can grow up to 8-feet wide and over 15-feet tall! The best place to grow a Prince of Orange Philodendron is in a bright spot, away from direct sunlight. This Alocasia plant and all others can be fed with half-strength fertilizer every few weeks in the spring. Water the plant well until the soil is moist, but not soggy and make sure that you have a well-draining pot. Alocasia Mahani, which also has the same scientific name as its common name, grows small in stature. Heartleaf philodendron is commonly grown in hanging baskets, dish gardens and as groundcover in larger planters. In contrast to what the "Amazonica" epithet suggests, the plant does not originate from the Amazon jungle or region, as Alocasia is strictly an Asian genus . Last on the list is a royal-looking type of Alocasia known as the Yucatan Princess. The Philodendron is a tropical plant native to the Caribbean, Columbia and Venezuela. They usually . Theme by 17th Avenue. There are even more differences that we will get into in a while. More compact than amazonica. These plants grow from tubers instead of seeds and are best known for their large heart, arrow or ear-shaped leaves that have been known to grow up to three feet long. The Amazonica reaches a height and spread of about two feet. Along with the plant descriptions and pictures, scientific names will help identify each species of Philodendron. Maybe you've just brought one home, or perhaps your favorite pothos is growing too big for it's current container. So, whether youre a beginner or an experienced plant parent, you can easily grow one of these dazzling plants. The plant typically grows fast and to a large size, so make sure you give it plenty of space to flourish. If you love types of Alocasia with an exotic look, the Yucatan Princess delivers a tropical feeling that youll be obsessed with. That being said, there are certainly some differences between the two genera as well. The plant can grow quite large, especially in height, so it thrives in outdoor gardens with plenty of space. The veins on the leaves are pronounced and typically a dark shade of green that gives the leaves the appearance of depth and texture. There are 97 different types of recognized Alocasia plants. The Alocasia is a plant species native to the subtropics of Asia and eastern Australia. Keep reading this article to find out the 51 most beautiful philodendron varieties in the world today. Eventually, roots form from the node, and the process is a new plant. 15 Types of Alocasia Plants Rare & Popular Varieties. Also known by the n ame Pink Princess, it's the most adorable variety of philodendron. Its a plant with vigorous growth, when kept in ideal conditions. . . This is where it gets complicated. As its name suggests, the leaves have a velvety texture with stunning iridescent foliage. A few tell-tale differences between pothos and philodendrons are the overall shape and texture of the leaves. Keep an eye out for a new leaf or shoot that . A mature Birkin plant will take a few years to reach its maximum height of around 3 ft. (1 m). The leaves resemble elongated maple leaves, with their pointed and scooped edges. Because of its manageable size the plant rarely ever gets taller than 20 inches its suitable for growing even in terrariums, where the warmth and high humidity will make this plant thrive. The plant grows best in shaded areas or partial shade. The deep green color fits perfectly with the rugged texture of the leaves. The Silver Dragon baginda is slightly different from the dragon scale variety of Alocasia. There are a number of houseplants that can grow from leaves alone, provided they have the right care. Begonias are an extremely popular indoor and outdoor plant. The confusion arises because Monstera were originally considered to be Philodendron (which how they got the nickname "Split leaf Philodendron"). Alocasias grows from a corm, while a Giant Philodendron has a regular root system. Their flowers are light yellow-green and bloom regularly throughout the year. The leaves can get 8 in (20 cm) long. These leaves appear to float about the base of the plant, like stingrays swimming in the aira truly unique sight. One of the most elegant and minimalistic Alocasia varieties, the Zebrina features smooth, light-green leaves on tall, zebra-striped stalks, resulting in a plant that has a lot of pizzazz. The features of this pink plant are red stems and beautiful heart-shaped leaves. Jewel Alocasia is one of the most popular varieties of Alocasia because it is super easy to take care of and not very difficult to find. The patterns can vary from very light structures between veins or even over the veins. Philodendron gloriosum is easy to care for and the green velvety leaves are just stunning. | Top Tips to save Your Devils Ivy, Causes of Philodendron Birkin Brown Spots? 2. The best place to grow a Philodendron moonlight indoors is on a bright windowsill that is shaded from the sun. Dont keep this variety in full sun. & How to fix them, ZZ Plant Care Guide | Watering, Lighting & Other Tips, Philodendron Giganteum Care Guide For Beginners, Alocasia Black Velvet Care | A Complete Guide. Known as the Giant Taro, the plant features tall, rigid stalks and large leaves with wavy, ruffled edges. All three of these tropical Aroids also prefer to stay dry when dormant (or as I like to say, they like to sleep in a dry bed . This large leaf Philodendron has split leaves with deep lobes. The exquisitely detailed leaves range in size from 4 to 6-inches. Its large glossy green lobed leaves capture attention as this large houseplant reflects light to brighten up a room. The stem of the Macrorrhiza stingray is striped, similar to the Alocasia zebrina, but less brightly colored. While this plant can be tricky to find, its a breeze to take care of as it doesnt need a ton of light or a ton of water. While most people dont even have a house big enough to keep them inside, they work wonderfully in the garden as a focal point or to bring more greenery to a tropical-themed garden. The plant grows best in bright, indirect light and tends to suffer when placed in a dark spot or if exposed to strong direct light. The stems grow very high and hold their large leaves in a horizontal manner that creates a sort of umbrella. This Alocasia variety usually offers more stems and, therefore, a fuller-looking foliage compared to others in the genus. As for the plants care requirements, those already familiar with tropical plant care or Alocasia plant care will face no challenges. However, the true Pink Princess has natural leaf variegation that will last as long as the plant does. Whilst the leaves are most commonly green they can come in red, pink or variegated colours, and have a bumpy or coarse texture. Over time, the spots may combine or enlarge to form blotches. Any of several tropical Asian plants, of the genus Alocasia, having heart- or arrowhead-shaped leaves. But it can also make for a beautiful indoor plant. In the Reversa this pattern is reversed. The Amazonica reaches a height and spread of about two feet. However, the leaves are extremely toxic, so keep your pets away from them. Many indoor varieties of Philodendron plants are climbing vines that look stunning in hanging baskets. Be sure to keep a wet pebble tray close by or group plants close together next to a humidifier. While both Monstera and Philodendron belong the the Araceae family, they are two different plant species. Transpiration is the process of a plant regulating its temperature and humidity levels, while guttation is the excretion of excess water and minerals. Rugosum Philodendron has huge heart shaped leaves. If you have a hard time picking out an Alocasia for your home, youre probably not alone. Like other rare varieties of Alocasia, the leaves are thick and sort of puffy, making them look inflated and unrealistic, but theyre all natural. When you buy an Alocasia, the soil is usually packed down to ensure no movement during transit. It can also be a great plant to shade smaller plants around it. Alocasia tubers are smaller, thin, and plain without prominent stripes or eyes. You can see the distinctive white veining of the genus, complemented with the arrowhead shape. The leaves of the plant may look sturdy, but they can get scorched if exposed to excess sunlight. The philodendron has smaller leaves, which are split rather than fenestrated. In this article and corresponding video, gardening expert Logan Hailey teaches you how to repot your pothos plant in 5 easy steps! To add to its appeal, it has a silvery green stem, which brings another unique color to the plant. This Alocasia variety is the perfect example of the wide range of choices when it comes to Alocasia plants. Does your pothos plant need repotting? selloum or P. bipinnatifidum. Nevertheless, people refer to it as green velvet because of the astonishing shade of green that colors its leaves. However, the soil needs to stay moist between watering. To care for your plant properly, mist the leaves daily or place the plant pot on a humidifying tray. Alocasia are also known as "elephant ears" due to their size and shape, while philodendron leaves are more elliptical in shape. The embossed leaves grow out rather than up from their thin, tender stems. You can also use a self-watering pot or a watering globe if you have a busy life and not enough time to maintain your plant. Colocasia vs Alocasia. Its hard not to be mesmerized by this striking variety of Alocasia. The plant grows up to 12 inches in height and width, with leaves that generally span 6 inches long and 2 inches broad. Very slow to propagate but extremely beautiful plant. This specific species of Philodendron prefers shaded areas or low light conditions. People talk about their bulb, or tuber, but the growth is actually a corm, which is a swollen stem. Your email address will not be published. The leaves have a red underside which is easily seen because Alocasia tips and leaves face upwards. The V-shaped, dark-green leaves feature wavy edges and bright, thick veins that almost protrude out of the leaf. This fast growing vining Philodendron has variegated heart shaped leaves that have lemon and lime green colors. However, it is small compared with other Alocasia varieties, so dont expect it to grow more than two feet in height. Cataphylls are sheath-like leaves that protect a new developing leaf. Normally, the color pattern that Alocasia leaves feature is white or light green veins on a dark or medium dark green backdrop. Anything lower than 60F (15C) can cause drooping of foliage and even death. Water Quality: Pure water is generally more ideal because most Aroids are epiphytes and will be adapted to rain water (pH of 5.5-6) which naturally has a low mineral content.However, from my own experience, alkaline tap water can work - provided you take action to make it more hospitable and lower the pH. Instead of the typical white veins, the dragon scale was dark magenta veins that appear shadowed in their indented ridges. Alocasia Yucatan Princess . In contrast to Alocasia, the leaf tip of colocasia points downwards. Leaf Color. Unlike fast-growing Philodendron climbers, this upright variety grows slowly. These true philodendrons include Philodendron silver-leaf, Philodendron Silver Queen, and Philodendron Silver-Streak. For more information on how tocare for your Alocasia plants, please read our full guide. Due to the rarity of this plant, it is highly sought after and can be quite . Both species of Philodendron are from the same speciesP. This lovely houseplant is a bit more rare compared to other more mainstream plants, but it's quite beautiful, and can be a wonderful addition to an indoor garden. While it is a slow grower, your patience will be rewarded with stunning, iridescent and metallic-looking leaves. This Alocasia variety is native to the Philippines. The largest Alocasia is the Alocasia macrorrhiza, more commonly called the giant taro. Types of Philodendron with Names and Pictures. . This guide will help you to choose which of these plants is best for you and provide you with some care tips and tricks for each. but usually good drainage is also recommended. The bold markings and large stature of the elephant ear plant varieties are sure to do just that. Known as the Giant Taro plant, this variety is not taro but has similar stems and leaves to the root vegetable. The silver dragon Alocasia has a soft velvet feel and matte finish. What's the difference between anthurium and Alocasia? They will just require extra attention, like regular misting with a spray bottle or placing a wet pebble tray close by. As a tropical indoor plant, the growth is restricted to the size of the pot. Thinking of adding a monstera as a houseplant, or perhaps in your ornamental outdoor garden? The hooded dwarf Alocasia is also commonly known as the buddhas hand. Philodendron veins tend to blend in. Alocasia doesnt have aerial roots, while Giant Philodendron does. This Alocasia grows no more than 3 feet tall. Its name loosely translates to tree hugger because this plant loves to climb and, in its natural habitat, will climb up trees to reach above the canopy. Anthurium vs Philodendron - What are the Differences. The Congo Rojo only grows in tropical and subtropical climates outdoors. Alocasia plants are known for boasting leaves with stunning veining patterns and large sizes. The plant is a beautiful decoration and requires moderate care to thrive. An Alocasia type with high ornamental value, the Lauterbachiana features long and narrow leaves with wavy edges. Your Philodendron will clasp onto anything it can to climb, so it is best to get to climb where you want it to. PHILODENDRON WHITE WIZARD *Variegated Aroid* White Variegata + FREE HEAT. The leaves can reach 6-feet in length and 4-feet wide. There two methods to do this: stem cuttings or tip cuttings. Bunting Numerous Plants Claim the Common Name! This color combination gives the plant a stunning appearance with large pointed leaves of different shades growing together. There are also many different types of Alocasia, which can making picking one a bit tough! The primary difference between pothos and philodendron are their leaves. Let's take a look at both plants' leaves. There are many different types of monstera, so choosing one variety can be a bit tricky! You can hang the vining plants in a basket from the ceiling or place on a high shelf for the beautiful long stems to create an attractive vertical accent. Larger plants can be placed on the floor, while smaller ones make for a striking table topper. Philodendron Prince of Orange gets its name from its orange-colored new leaves. Coming from the Alocasia genus, many Alocasia varieties have similar basic traits, but can differ significantly based on size, color, and shape. The leaves are silvery-white with a dark green and almost black-looking outlined vein. Always water your green, leafy plant by thoroughly soaking or drenching the soil. Under certain conditions, the leaves can be a grayish-blue color, which is stunning in your garden of green. The leaves of the Frydek are sensitive to direct sun exposure, yet need bright, indirect light to thrive. By Jason White The main difference is in the sinus - macrorrhiza has a very clean sinus while odora has leaf "webbing" in the sinus. The odd shape and texture make it popular among those that love an unusual tropical plant. Here are some of the most popular and a few of the most interesting Alocasia varieties you should consider: One look at the Dragon Scale Alocasia and youll immediately understand its appeal. If you are looking to buy a pink Philodendron, be careful of the variety marketed as Pink Congo. This type of houseplant has artificially-colored pink leaves that will turn back to dark green in about six months. This houseplant likes its soil to dry out in between waterings, with at least 2-3 inches of the topsoil being completely dry. The erect spadix is covered in small white flowers, enclosed in a spathe shaped like a boat, similar to lily plants. Sometimes the green leaves can be so huge that they need some support. The nickname, Elephant Ear, applies to several other genera of plants, such as Alocasia, Colocasia, and Xanthosoma. The plant is native to east and southeast Asia. The shape of the leaves is a departure from the typical oval or heart-shaped leaves of Alocasia varieties. The name makes many think it grows rapidly and is quite large, but this isnt usually the case. The leaf has a thick and almost puffy appearance as if its a blow-up plant. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton takes you through each step to plant, grow, and care for begonia maculata. By using these affiliate links, youre helping to support At Home With Hues produce helpful content and with the running costs of this site. Their stems develop a somewhat old look, with aerial roots hanging downward . My cat and I really appreciate your support. Create your account and enjoy a new shopping experience. Unlike the Alocasia Cuprea, this species grows fast but wont reach over 2,5 feet in height. Another of the interesting Philodendron cultivars is the Prince of Orange. This Philodendron plant gets its name from the large coppery-orange leaves that emerge from it. Some of the links on this post are affiliate links. The Morocco Alocasia has a light pink stem that grows straight up, supporting dark green, shiny foliage with bolded white veins. The plant enjoys part shade and does best if grown in a soil that is organically rich and moist. One of the best examples of an upright, non-climbing, indoor type of Philodendron is the Xanadu cultivar. Some types of vining plants in the Philodendron family are the variegated Philodendron Brasil, pink princess and the green heartleaf Philodendron. Thinking of growing anthurium crystallinum but aren't quite sure where to start? Other species of Philodendron need brighter light but protected from direct sunlight. It grows up to 14 in (36 cm) in total. They look more exotic than other Alocasia varieties, making them a popular plant among gardeners that want something different. But the plant itself loves to be in some shade, as direct sunlight can burn the leaves and dry out the soil. Alocasia has a distinctively different colored central vein while Giant Philodendron doesnt. Plants will occasionally, albeit rarely when grown indoors, produce insignificant purple spathes. Average room temperatures are perfect for growing Philodendrons, so keep even temperatures of between 65F and 80F (18C 27C). Philodendron Birkin is variegated philodendron with delicate creamy-white pinstripes. If you want to grow this type of Philodendron indoors, youll need to have plenty of space. The Xanadu cultivar is an upright non-climbing philodendron type with split leaves. This Alocasia dragon scale, commonly known as the dragon scale, is noteworthy because of the scale-like textured foliage. Alocasia can be grown both indoors and outdoors, but its become more popular recently as a houseplant. Plant in a well-draining potting mix, ensure adequate humidity and light exposure. If you find spider mites on the leaves, isolate the plant from the rest of your collection and apply pests and mite treatment. Although Philodendrons and Anthuriums belong to the same family, Araceae, they're classified as different genera. Philodendron Strawberry Shake is an older hybrid with highly variegated foliage with red petioles and green foliage with yellow, pink and orange variegation. These tropical plants thrive in high humidity and temperatures between 65F and 80F (18C 27C). Hope this . It enjoys high humidity and well-draining soil. Last updated: November 4, 2022 | Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1 Alocasia Variegated Variegata White Green Plant Elephant Ear (No ship HI, CA) at the best online prices at eBay! Anything between 65 and 75F (18 and 23C) is perfect. Whilst the leaves are most commonly green they can come in red, pink or variegated colours . Also known as the Kris plant or the African mask plant, Alocasia sanderiana is a stunning tropical plant people love. This tropical plant species is especially susceptible to cold chills. Alocasia develops both tubers and rhizomes. This Alocasia variety can be recognized for its funky, striped, purple, and green stem. Contrasting to the metallic and shiny leaves of the cuprea, the Alocasia micholitziana has soft velvet foliage. Sometimes, the veins can take on a blue or purplish color, adding to the stunning palette of this plant.